For full information relating to Competitions, go the the NSWISA Competitions and Events page on the NSWISA Website.

For the full list of Competitions and events for 2024, please check the NSWISA Calendar of Events (see above link). This can change frequently, so please make sure you check back regularly (just in case!). You can, if you wish, download a PDF version of the Calendar to your computer or phone for quick reference, but for up-to-date information, use the link above.


There are several Training & Development opportunities throughout the first half of the year for skaters and/or parents, to take advantage of and covering a range of topics. Be sure to keep an eye out for notifications as they become available.

If you have received a communication for any event, the link to register will be included in that communication. Registration for ALL competitions and events requires that you are a current member of NSWISA.

Up-to-date information for NSWISA events – go to the Training & Development page of the NSWISA Website


There are several Test Sessions earmarked also for the first part of the year. You will need to log in to the Test Page of the NSWISA Website for links to make your booking/s and further information. For all enquiries, please email Lynne Kentish at [email protected] 


Always a fun time of the skating calendar with events commencing in February and concluding with the NSW Artistic Championships in early April. Further information via the NSWISA Website


The NSWISA Newsletter is published periodically, keeping NSWISA members and friends of NSWISA up to date with news of upcoming competitions and events besides a lot more. Please take time to read it and always be on time to register for events. Only past and current members will automatically receive newsletters. If you don’t fall into this category, you can sign up via the NSWISA website and also read past newsletters from the NSWISA archive. You can opt out at any time.